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Common Problems With Glass Insulators

Pulished on Dec. 03, 2020

Common Problems With Glass Insulators

Glass insulator is made by mixing different materials, including lime and quartz powder, and is usually made at high temperatures, then it is suddenly cooled in a mold. This action (" tempering "causes the glass to tighten). In this way, the glass insulator is obtained.


1)Glass insulators are 1.5 times more resistant to compression than ceramics and their mechanical fracture.

2)The resistance is much higher than that of ceramic insulators (between 500 kV/cm and 1000 kV/cm).

3)The thermal expansion coefficient of the glass insulator is small, and its relative deformation is very low due to temperature change. In addition, the glass insulator before cracking will be completely crushed, so it is easy to find the defective insulator on the ground. In contrast to ceramic insulators, any cracks or holes that occur during manufacture can be detected in glass insulators.

4)Due to transparency, some or sunlight passes through the glass insulator, thus reducing the degradation of the insulator.


1)The mechanical durability of glass insulators against bending forces is slightly lower than that of ceramics.

2)Under a strong impact, all the insulators will break.

3)Any temperature change in the composition or in storage or operation that causes damage to the insulator environment.

4)Glass insulators absorb pollutants more easily than other types of insulators.

5)Water is easily distilled on the surface of the glass insulator.

3.Why are glass insulators used more than porcelain insulators?

The thermal expansion coefficient of the glass insulator is low. Compared with porcelain insulator, it has a higher tensile strength. Because it is transparent, it does not heat in the sunlight as porcelain does. Due to its transparency, impurities and bubbles can be easily detected inside the glass insulator.

4.Is glass a conductor?

Glass is actually an insulator. It does not allow electrons to flow easily from atom to atom, as in copper and other metals, which are excellent conductors of heat and electricity. Glass, wood, and plastics are good insulators, but not good conductors.

5.How does an insulator work?

The most common insulation works by slowing down the conduction of heat flow and, to a lesser extent, convective heat flow. Radiation barriers and reflective insulation systems work by reducing radiant heat gain. Properly insulating your home can reduce heat flow by providing an effective resistance to it.

6.The best way to clean glass insulators

Baking soda. Clean the insulator with a toothbrush and baking soda mixed with water to make a paste, then brush into the crevice of the insulator.

Oxalic acid.

White vinegar.

Stove cleaner.

7.What is an old-fashioned glass insulator?

Old-fashioned glass insulator. Insulators were originally designed to insulate the wires that connected the telegraph to the telephone from the wooden poles that supported the poles.

Common Problems With Glass Insulators

8.What are old glass insulators used for?

Old-fashioned glass insulators were first made in the 1850s for telegraph lines, then for telephone and electric transmission lines. They insulate the poles and protect them from the current in the wires. They are made of glass, porcelain, or composite polymer materials (non-conductive materials).

We are glass insulator manufacturers. If you are interested in our products, please feel free to contact us.



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