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Shackles Manufacturer

YIPENG, an esteemed shackles manufacturer based in China. We take pride in offering a comprehensive range of superior quality shackles that cater to a wide spectrum of requirements. Our extensive selection includes shackles of varying sizes, crafted from top-notch materials such as carbon steel, stainless steel, and alloy steel. These high-quality shackles are designed with either a bow or chain body, providing versatility for different applications. Additionally, they can be obtained with or without screw pins or bolt pins (safety pins), adding an extra layer of security to your operations. At YIPENG, we are committed to providing you with the finest shackles that meet stringent quality standards, ensuring reliability and durability. Explore our diverse product range today and discover the perfect shackles to meet your specific needs.

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Shackles Manufacturer

The Best Shackles Supplier in China

Rigging shackles are essential components in the lifting industry, providing a reliable and efficient solution for connecting and disconnecting chains, wire ropes, and lifting slings. They are indispensable for a wide range of rigging tasks, including straight or multi-dimensional pulling and lifting applications.

If you are in search of rigging shackles with exceptional working load limits, excellent elongation properties, and superior fatigue resistance, you have come to the right place. We prioritize quality above all else, ensuring that our rigging shackles meet the highest standards of performance and durability. 

A Guide to Shackles:

Shackles are essential tools used in various industries and applications. They serve as connectors, providing a secure link between different objects, ropes, or chains. With their sturdy construction and versatility, shackles play a vital role in lifting, rigging, and towing operations. In this comprehensive guide, shackles supplier will explore the basics of shackles, their types, materials and their applications in different industries.

1. What's a shackle?

2. The Anatomy of a Shackle

3. Types of Shackles

4. Shackle Sizes

5. Shackle Materials

6. Choosing the Right Shackle for Your Needs

7. Proper Usage and Maintenance of Shackles

8. Safety Precautions When Using Shackles

9. Applications of Shackles in Different Industries

10. FAQ

What's a shackle?

Shackles are robust and versatile devices used for connecting and securing various objects. 

Shackles are commonly employed in lifting operations, rigging setups, towing applications, and more. Shackles are designed to withstand heavy loads and provide a reliable connection point, ensuring safety and stability in various industries.

The Anatomy of a Shackle

A typical shackle consists of several key components. These include the body, pin, and sometimes a latch or safety mechanism. The body of the shackle forms the main loop or bow, while the pin secures the body, allowing for easy attachment and detachment. Some shackles may also feature a latch or safety mechanism to prevent accidental release.

Types of Shackles

Shackles come in a variety of types, each designed for specific applications and load requirements. Let's explore some commonly used shackles:

Screw Pin Shackles

Screw pin shackles are one of the most widely used types. They feature a threaded pin that screws into the shackle body, providing a secure connection. Screw pin shackles are easy to use, making them suitable for applications that require frequent attachment and detachment.

Bolt Type Shackles

Bolt type shackles have a bolt secured by a nut and cotter pin. This design offers additional security and is often used in critical applications or when a stronger connection is needed. Bolt type shackles are commonly used in heavy lifting operations and industrial settings.

Round Pin Shackles

Round pin shackles have a smooth, round pin that passes through the body of the shackle. They are simple and economical, suitable for non-permanent applications with light to moderate loads. Round pin shackles are commonly used in recreational activities and general-purpose applications.

Chain Shackles

Chain shackles have a larger loop or bow to accommodate chains of various sizes. They are specifically designed for use with chains and offer a secure connection point. Chain shackles are commonly used in towing, rigging, and marine applications.

D Shackles

D shackles, also known as dee shackles, have a D-shaped body. They provide a larger internal clearance and are ideal for situations where multiple connections or larger hooks are required. D shackles are widely used in lifting, rigging, and construction applications.

Bow Shackles

Bow shackles have a bow-shaped body that offers a more generous inside clearance compared to D shackles. They are versatile and suitable for various applications. Bow shackles are commonly used in industrial, marine, and construction environments.

Snap Shackles

Snap shackles have a quick-release mechanism that allows for rapid attachment and detachment. They are commonly used in sailing, boating, and other applications where quick connections are required. Snap shackles provide convenience and ease of use.

Specialty Shackles

There are also specialty shackles designed for specific purposes. These include high-strength shackles, self-locking shackles, swivel shackles, and more. Specialty shackles cater to specialized needs and provide enhanced performance in specific applications.

Shackle Sizes

No matter small shackles or big shackles, always be aware that the diameter of the shackle pin is usually longer than the shackle body measurements, however, the key measurements given under any standard shackle sizes will be the diameter of the shackle body, not the shackle pin sizes. Following the picture show how to measure shackle length:

Shackles Manufacturer

Due to varying shackle sizes, it might be clear that the shackle weights are different, normally, sizes or weights should not have more than a + or – 5% variance within standard shackle sizes(RR C 271 shackle, ASME b30 26 shackles), the most popular shackle sizes and dimensions currently available in the market are 3/4″, 5/8″, 1/2″, 1″, 3/8″ and  7/8″.

Shackle Material

Lifting shackles are designed with consideration for loading capacity, performance, and environmental applications. These factors are primarily determined by the raw materials used, and shackles can be categorized into three main types based on their materials: carbon steel shackles (mild or low-carbon steel), alloy steel shackles, and stainless steel shackles (also known as inox steel or inox).

Carbon Steel Shackles: Carbon steel shackles are the most common type and come with a safety factor of 6:1 or 4:1. They are available with a hot-dipped galvanized or galvanized finish and can be found in various configurations such as round pin, screw pin, or bolt type.

Alloy Steel Shackles: Alloy steel shackles are made from materials with improved mechanical properties, allowing them to handle higher loads and withstand fatigue and extreme conditions. They typically have a safety factor of 5:1. Grade 80 alloy steel shackles, in particular, offer equivalent working load limits (WLL) as carbon shackles but with a smaller and lighter weight design.

Stainless Steel Shackles: Stainless steel shackles are known for their high corrosion resistance, thanks to a chromium oxide film on their surfaces. They are suitable for saltwater or chemical environments, making them ideal for marine applications. However, stainless steel shackles tend to be more expensive than galvanized shackles. While both types offer protection against rust and corrosion, stainless steel shackles provide a natural defense due to the presence of molybdenum, making them especially suitable for extreme conditions, moisture, or high chloride environments.

When selecting rigging shackles, the size and material are crucial aspects that impact their grade and price. It's advisable to consult the manufacturer for accurate information on these specifications to ensure you choose the appropriate shackles for your needs.

Choosing the Right Shackle for Your Needs

Selecting the appropriate shackle is crucial to ensure safety and efficiency. Consider the following factors when choosing a shackle:

Consider the Working Load Limit

Every shackle has a specified working load limit (WLL), which indicates the maximum load it can safely handle. It is essential to assess the w

t and force requirements of your application and choose a shackle with an appropriate WLL to prevent overloading.

Assess the Type of Load

Different applications may involve vertical, horizontal, or angular loads. Consider the direction and nature of the load to determine the most suitable shackle type. Some shackles may be specifically designed to handle certain load orientations.

Evaluate Environmental Factors

Environmental conditions such as temperature, moisture, and chemical exposure can affect the performance and longevity of shackles. Evaluate the environment in which the shackles will be used and choose materials and coatings that can withstand those conditions.

Understand the Connection Method

Different shackles offer various attachment methods, such as pin, bolt, or snap mechanisms. Consider the ease of use, convenience, and security of the connection method based on your specific application requirements.

Proper Usage and Maintenance of Shackles:

To ensure the longevity and performance of shackles, proper usage and maintenance are essential. Follow these guidelines:

Inspect Regularly for Damage

Inspect shackles before and after each use for signs of wear, deformation, or damage. Look for cracks, bends, or elongation of the shackle body or pin. If any damage is found, replace the shackle immediately.

Clean and Lubricate Shackles

Clean shackles regularly to remove dirt, debris, and contaminants. Apply a suitable lubricant to ensure smooth operation and prevent corrosion. Proper lubrication also helps extend the lifespan of the shackle.

Store Shackles Properly

When not in use, store shackles in a clean, dry, and well-ventilated area. Avoid exposing them to excessive humidity or corrosive substances. Proper storage helps prevent damage and maintains the integrity of the shackles.

Follow Manufacturer's Guidelines

Refer to the manufacturer's instructions and guidelines for specific recommendations on usage, maintenance, and inspection. Manufacturers often provide valuable information to ensure the safe and effective use of their shackles.

Applications of Shackles in Different Industries

Construction and Engineering

Shackles are used in construction and engineering for lifting heavy loads, securing scaffolding, and connecting structural components. They play a vital role in ensuring safety and stability during construction projects.

Maritime and Offshore

In the maritime and offshore industries, shackles are utilized for rigging, mooring, towing, and lifting operations. They are essential for connecting ropes, chains, and other equipment in marine environments.

Oil and Gas

Shackles are extensively used in the oil and gas industry for lifting and rigging purposes. They facilitate the safe handling of heavy equipment, pipes, and structures in drilling, extraction, and processing operations.

Mining and Heavy Lifting

In mining and heavy lifting applications, shackles are crucial for lifting, hoisting, and securing equipment, machinery, and loads. They ensure the safe and efficient movement of materials in demanding environments.

Recreational Activities

Shackles are also used in recreational activities such as camping, boating, and rock climbing. They serve as connectors for ropes, harnesses, and other gear, ensuring safety and reliability during outdoor adventures.


1. What materials are shackles typically made of?

Shackles are commonly made of materials such as steel, stainless steel, or alloy steel. The choice of material depends on factors like load requirements, environmental conditions, and industry-specific regulations.

2. Can shackles be used for overhead lifting?

Yes, certain types of shackles, specifically designed for lifting operations, can be used for overhead lifting. However, it is essential to choose shackles with appropriate load ratings and follow industry standards and safety guidelines.

3. Are there any weight limits for snap shackles?

Yes, snap shackles have specific weight limits indicated by the manufacturer. It is crucial to adhere to these weight limits to ensure safe and reliable operation.

4. Can I reuse shackles after they have been overloaded?

No, it is not recommended to reuse shackles that have been subjected to overload. Overloading can significantly compromise the integrity and strength of the shackle, making it unsafe for further use.

5. Are there regulations governing the use of shackles in different industries?

Yes, various industries have specific regulations and standards governing the use of shackles. It is important to be aware of and comply with these regulations to ensure safe and legal operations.

If you want to get more useful knowledge about producing the lifting shackles, you can contact us. We will be glad to share with you more useful information.

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