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What happens if the Electrical Cross Arm fails in the field?

Pulished on Aug. 21, 2018

When a Electrical Cross Arm breaks, it still won’t drop the conductor. In fact, after unloading a broken crossarm, you can load it again and it will have a typical residual load carrying capability in the 2,000-4,000 lb. range, which is more than an 8 ft. wood crossarm is even rated for. Intentionally broken during testing, a failed crossarm is shown below. This is a typical failure mode of our Electric Pole Cross Arms, shear, and the residual load will hold more than a new wooden crossarm. The arm still has residual load carrying capability after failure and is still holding 3,000lbs as shown below. We have never been able to pull a pin through the arm in independently verified testing. This means the conductor won’t fall to the ground even if something breaks the Transmission cross arm.

Transmission cross arm